Raanaa ® - The Shaman Girl

Episode 1: Raanaa and The Foremother Goddess.Máttaráhkká, The Foremother Goddess who gives souls to unborn babies, has been imprisoned by Rohttu, the God of Pestilence. She is kept inside a floating mountain, located in a miraculous Sáivu World. Rohttu’s presence has already started to affect the colorful Sáivu. The colors are fading fast. Máttaráhkká and Sáivu World need Raanaa’s help!

Episode 2: The Frozen World.Something strange is happening in Samiland! Springtime has come but the air is cold and the ground is still frozen. Ruonánieida, the Maiden of spring, is stuck in her cabin in Sáivu World. She is imprisoned by magical snowdrifts unable to bring the spring back to Human World. The spring is cancelled... At least until Raanaa fixes the problem!

Episode 3: Land of the Birds.Thanks to Raanaa, spring is well underway… But it feels like something is missing. Where are all the birds? Rohttu, the God of Pestilence, has found his way into Bárbmu, The Land of the Birds. He is preventing the migratory birds from returning to Samiland and keeps Bárbmoáhkká, the Guardian of the Birds, caged in her treehouse. It is time for Raanaa to gear up and travel to the Land of the Birds.

Episode 4: The Windman's Land.The human world is boiling. There is no wind to bring any breeze or clouds of rain. Reindeer don’t have a clue where to go when the wind is not guiding them. Something is off... Raanaa is called to the Land of the Wind to find out what has happened to it’s ruler, the Windman.

Episode 5: Realm of The Giants.Raanaa has followed Rohttu to the Land of the Giants, where the stone giants are sleeping and waiting for Ragnarok, the battle at the end of the world. Suddenly Fjalar, the red rooster of Ragnarok, starts to crow and the Giants begin to wake up from their sleep. Raanaa has to find out why the Rooster is crowing and prevent the Giants from awakening and marching into the final battle.

Episode 6: Valhalla.Rohttu's mischieves have led Raanaa to Asgard, the Realm of the Norse Gods.
Angry crowing by the Golden Rooster of Doomsday begins echoing in the air: its hens have disappeared.
This time the noise is about to alert the Heroes of Valhalla for the battle of Ragnarök!
Once again Raanaa finds herself in a situation where she has to clean up Rohttu’s mess and prevent the End of the World.

Episode 7: Helheim.The adventures with Rohttu have led Raanaa to Helheim, the icy realm of death ruled by the goddess Hel. To their horror, they discover that Helheim, instead of being frozen, is ablaze. In the distance, a giant sword rises from Hel's mansion: the flaming sword of Surtr, the fire giant from Muspelheim. Its flames now threaten to turn Helheim into a fire pit. How did Surtr's sword end up here? Can Raanaa return it to its owner before the lava engulfs the entire realm?